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2024 - Essential Knowledge in the Clinical Use of Peptides Class

2024 Essential Knowledge in the Clinical Use of Peptides Class
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Clinical Peptide Society

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1 / 88

1. A peptide bond between 2 amino acids is formed by what reaction

2 / 88

2. According to the Human Proteome Map how many peptides do we approximately have?

3 / 88

3. Some peptides are

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4. Which hormones are peptide or peptides?

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5. What type of thymic cells produce thymulin?

6 / 88

6. What is a suggested SQ dose for when administering KPV?

7 / 88

7. In what type of receptors does KPV mainly act?

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8. ARA 290 is an analog of which performance enhancement drug:

9 / 88

9. The 4 amino acid of TB4 frag has been shown to

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10. Oral Oxytocin can cross the blood brain barrier

11 / 88

11. True or False Oxytocin cannot help with anxiety

12 / 88

12. FGL binds to the Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3 to help in memory

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13. FGL has been shown to enhance memory or protect neurons in depression, ischemia and traumatic brain injury.

14 / 88

14. TA 11 is 11 amino acid long?

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15. TA11 has shown in vitro effects against which pathogenic organism?

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16. From what thymic peptide was TA 11 originally isolated?

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17. An acceptable dosing of MOTS-c is

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18. A published retrospective study on intra articular of BPC157 into the knee for knee joints

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19. . A possible dose of VIP is 50 mcg intra nasal twice to three times a day

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20. Which answer or answers are false on Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP )

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21. What is true for Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)

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22. For an acute problem (new infection) a dose of thymulin can be

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23. In the clinical trials with Thymulin in Rheumatoid Arthritis that used a dose of 5 mg SQ for weeks and then 3 times a week for 6 months showed

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24. Thymosin is not zinc dependent

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25. Thymosin Alpha 1 dose protocol for Hepatitis has been 1.6 mg SQ 2 times a week

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26. Thymosin Alpha 1 mechanism of action is improving the T cell maturation, increase the cytokine response and increase NK cells,  dendritic cells and macrophages.

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27. In the Bremelanotide trials there was no side effects of nausea, flushing, or headaches?

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28. Recommended starting dose of MK-667 is

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29. MK-667 or Ibutamoren has side effects of

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30. MOTS-c can increase the biogenesis of the mitochondria via

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31. In a study in mice given a high fat diet MOTS-c improved obesity by?

32 / 88

32. Although no formal GHK-cu dosing for cancer has been established, anecdotal results have been observed at:

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33. Although no formal GHK-cu dosing for cancer has been established, anecdotal results have been observed at:

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34. An acceptable TB4 dose is:

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35. An acceptable TB4 dose is:

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36. As we age MOTS-c levels are ____________ compared to younger subjects

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37. True or False? Thymosin Beta 4 has not shown any effect in angiogenesis, neurogenesis, axonal outgrowth and oligodendrogenesis?

38 / 88

38. Although multiple dosing regimens have been studied with TA1, an accepted dosing regimen in cancer management is:

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39. True or false: Thymosin Alpha 1 has been shown to reduce mortality in the treatment of sepsis

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40. True or false: Thymosin Beta 4 has not been able to show increase in myelination or increase in oligodendrocyte cells?

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41. True or False?  Thymosin beta 4 and Thymosin alpha 1 has been shown together to reduce amyloid plaque?

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42. Which of these are considered thymic peptide (Thymosin)?

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43. GHK-cu’s anticancer mechanism of action is:

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44. True or False? Botox peptides should be used before GHK copper

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45. Which of the following doses of Metenkephalin has been studied clinically?

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46. Metenkephalin stimulates which of the following cancer inhibitory pathways?

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47. Which of these is not a cell growth cycle checkpoint?

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48. Which Immune cells are involved with autoimmune disease?

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49. This peptide can block the release of IL6, IL12, NF-Kb, TNFa and can increase regulatory T cells.

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50. This T helper cell population plays a role in eradicating extracellular fungi and bacteria. They have also been identified as playing a major role in autoimmune diseases:

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51. Which of these interleukins is responsible for promoting a tolerogenic environment?

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52. Which of these interleukins is responsible for promoting a tolerogenic environment?

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53. What type of T cell promotes a tolerogenic environment and can be of benefit in the treatment of autoimmune diseases?

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54. True of False Cerebrolsyin is mixed in 250 cc of normal saline

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55. Dosing of Cerebrolysin in studies

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56. Cerebrolysin in first degree relatives with Alzhemier’s showed after 1 month of Cerebrolysin at 20 ml/ day for 1 month

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57. Combination of Cerebrolysin and Donepezil (Aricept) showed

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58. In the meta analysis of 6 randomized double blind placebo controlled studies on Cerebrolysin for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, Cerebrolysin did not improve on cognitive function


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59. Cerebrolysin was registered as a drug in Austria since 1954, which is a false statement

60 / 88

60. Cerebrolysin was discovered by An Austrian professor in 1949 and it contains

61 / 88

61. Typical dosing with BPC 157 for an acute musculoskeletal injury would be?

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62. True or False BPC 157 can help with chemical or alkali burns

63 / 88

63. In animal phase 2 study the lethal dose of BPC 157 to kill 1% was

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64. There is an animal study showing that BPC 157 healed a transected sciatic nerve

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65. BPC 157 has been shown to

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66. The mechanism of action of BPC 157 might be

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67. BPC 157 increases which type of collagen

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68. BPC-157 has been shown in animal study to heal a detached achilles


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69. What is the common dose of CJC-1295 non Dac with ipamorelin?

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70. Tesamorelin recommended dosing is

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71. Which peptides stimulates the Ghrelin receptor?

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72. Growth hormone releasing peptides (GHRP) stimulates what in the pituitary to release Growth hormone?

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73. In a 2006 study with CJC-1295 with DAC looking at lipodystrophy in HIV patients there was one adverse side effect

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74. CJC-1295 an analog of

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75. The advantages of using peptides to stimulate growth hormone versus using human growth hormone

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76. GHK copper has been shown to increase collagen in one month by?

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77. Suggested first dosing of Bremelanotide PT 141 is

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78. In 2007 the FDA rejected Intranasal use of Bremelanotide PT 141 because it increased what?

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79. Bremelanotide PT-141 is a derivative of which peptide

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80. Melanontan 1 or Afamelanotide has been shown to improve what skin condition

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81. Melanotan 1 and Melanotan 2 are derivatives of which hormone?

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82. A recommended dosing of Epithalon

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83. Epithalon has been shown to increase the telomeres by

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84. Epithalon has been shown in a mice and rat study

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85. True or False Peptides are signaling molecules

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86. A peptide bond is

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87. Peptides are

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88. What is the most common receptor for peptides?

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